Sunday, February 10, 2013

Slow Dancing in the Kitchen

Have I met you yet? Have we ever been in the same city at one time? Or even lived in the same hometown, yet I still don’t know your name. Timing is everything- time can either ruin or strengthen relationships. I haven’t met you yet because it’s not the right time. I am counting the days until I meet you. I pray for your safety and for your happiness. I dream of dancing in the kitchen of our run down first apartment. I dream of getting into fights- but resolving it with kisses and laughter, we won’t be able to go too long being mad at each other.  I dream of spying on you as you put our little girls to bed- singing hushed lullabies as they doze off. I dream of staining your work shirt with tears as you encompass me in your arms because of my sorrows and despairs.  I dream of our little slugger’s first t-ball game with you and I in the stands with the blanket wrapped around us as we cheer him on. I dream of us saving every extra nickel to travel the world. I dream of covering your dinner in tin foil and setting it in the fridge until you got home from a long day at work. I dream of being forty and still having tickle fights with you. I dream you dancing your little princess at her wedding. I dream of praying on the side of our bed holding your hands as we ask for blessings and give thanks for everything we’ve been blessed with. But knowing the blessing I’m most thankful for being in love with my best friend.  And the wonderful life we live. I dream of finding new reasons to love you every day. I dream of getting old with you and still holding your hand as we drive across town.

 I am dreaming of a stranger. But who knows, I could meet you today or when I’m thirty. Our love will be far from perfect. But we love each other and that’s all we need to make sure it works. I haven’t experienced being in love- but dreaming  isn’t a crime.


  1. Ok you are my soul sister. LOVE this.

  2. I've slow danced in the kitchen.

    What if you never find anyone? Will you settle?

    (that's messed up...sorry)
