Sunday, May 5, 2013

He's In Mongolia Tonight.

I sat in my bed reading- waiting for my eyelids to get heavy enough to close. When I heard my dad's calm and comforting voice  from downstairs. I ran downstairs to find it was just a voice memo on my moms iPhone of my dad telling one of his childhood stories to my little sisters as they dozed off. they couldn't fall asleep until they heard their daddy's voice and listened one of his exaggerated stories. I laid down beside them and listened too. there is nothing more that I love than one of his stories. I probably should have grown out of loving my dads humor along with his songs and stories by now. I secretly sit behind my little sister's door when hes home telling one of his classics. For he is in Mongolia tonight. and tomorrow he will be in Taiwan. And 2 weeks ago he was in Russia and France. He is doing his job and has the opportunity to travel to places hes always wanted to. when hes lucky, my mom will join him. but not tonight- because she has a job to do as well.

his voice is all I need to know he loves me. his warm hugs and smile. His eyes that glisten when he is trying not to laugh. his sincere and understanding heart. his head bobbing while he sings "come on Eileen". his squeaky shoes on the basketball court when he is running drills with us. his time he spends with each one of his daughters and date nights with mom. when he calls me to get up for school with his cheesy "up and at-um!". His creative and artistic skills when he colors during church with the four year old.
Tonight his voice put me to sleep and I pretended he was tucking me in like a taco like he used to when I was small. 

truth is even when he has to be gone- hes not really. he still calls and gives me advice and tells my mom he loves her more than anything. and when he gets home, its like he was never gone. He kisses my mom and wraps all of us girls in his arms. i never doubt his love. and i never doubt that he is the best dad in the world.

When I heard my dads voice tonight, i realized that a voice is all i need. I can call a higher father along with my own dad. Not only does he love me like my dad- but he knows me better than I know myself. That father knows whats in store for me and what I need to be prepared for. but my dad is his sidekick keeping me in order and showing that I am loved. We all are. and I know that both my fathers are 100% aware of me.
So i give a shout out to my dad in Mongolia tonight. Cause he is the best at what he does. See you in a week, I love you Dad!

**(don't worry mom, i am working on a dynamite mothers day post for you. ;)


  1. this really touched my heart. My dad travels to, and it's always sad when he's gone. He actually had a heart attack two weeks ago, so make sure to always hug him and tell him you love him no matter what. you never know what will happen.


    1. Thank you for that sweet comment, Leo. It really means the world. I am so sorry to hear about your dad, I hope things get better for you and your family really soon. Thank you for sharing

  2. so pretty. thanks for the reminder.

  3. so pretty. thanks for the reminder.
