Sunday, April 7, 2013

dont let your paint chip.

the stranded, helpless, and forgotten.
this chair is only forgotten because everything around it is dead and barren.
the chair waits patiently for the blossoms to bloom to accompany him.
the chair is alone.
yet once the sun shines and the grass regains life- this chair will also regain life.
its not lonely anymore.

how often are we willing to patiently wait for others to change?
this chair is still bright blue and the paint seems fresh.
even with the cold, hard, dry ground.
the chair still stands.
nothing about the chair will change in the spring and summer- but its the surroundings that will.
this chair may seem more vibrant when the grass is greener...or the sun is brighter.

be patient and wait. be patient with your surroundings to become as bright as you are. don't allow the wind and rain to chip your paint.

1 comment:

  1. "Be patient with your surroundings to become as bright as you are." Wow, thank you.
