Sunday, March 17, 2013


Everyone is vulnerable. I am vulnerable. I choose to be susceptible to being wounded or hurt. I choose to be weak. I've never really been hurt before- maybe because I don’t let it hurt me. But I’m changing. I become someone else when I’m around you. I get scared- not of you, just the thought of what we could become. And that scares me.
Time also scares me. We only have a little of it left, until you leave. You leave everything and I stay here wondering what could have been… and waiting to find out.
“Stop lying to yourself”-me talking to myself. Nothing is going to happen in the future if something doesn't happen now. Either forget about him and move on… or find the courage to leap, no turning back. No regrets. i will gain strength and power by becoming vulnerable. Knowledge and experience is power. This is upside down…but only because I am confused and trying to be someone I've never been before.


  1. I feel vulnerable, like I need to be held all the time.
    Love that photo.

  2. i think that love it's self is a wound. when we are in it, it's shocking and beautiful but when it's over and love takes the knife out, we feel the pain then. this was good! be vulnerable
